Big Builder Base 2.0 February Update! – Clash of Clans

Maybe a new statue as well in clash of clans.

In February, another major update for Clash of Clans is expected to be implemented, which may include a rework of the Builder Base and the introduction of BB 2.0.

It might be possible to implement something from Boom Beach or other games in the scene, like a map with different bases and an attack on one’s will.

Recently Clash of Clans twitter also gave this hint which might be about another update. Here is the tweet:

“Original Tweet”

Builder Base 2.0 Clash of Clans:

Those were some of the best things about the current Builder Base. Here are some of the top problems we’ll be fixing with Builder Base 2.0:

  1. Gets less fun as it gets bigger
  2. Not rewarding to play well
  3. Not convenient to play

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